Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tuesday Accomplishments Did you notice my weight ticker? I have 9.5 pounds to go before I meet my goal weight. I could make it by New Years at my current rate. When I graduated from high school I weighed 172. I am pleased!

I have the blocks assembled for the love quilt top. I have to add some more sashing and borders. I am happy at the progress so far!


Marla said...

YEEAAAYYYYY!!! I'm doing the cheerleader wave over here....go Swooze, go Swooze!

SuBee said...

GO girl, GO!! So close now, thihnk of all the great new clothes!
**my weight ticker hasn't moved in 3 weeks :-( **

Anonymous said...

Well done Swooze, I try and go walking about 5 mornings a week so am on the way too.

Juliann in WA said...

Great job on the weight loss. Won't that be a New Year's Eve to celebrate?

Nana's Quilts said...

Excellent. If my BMI looked like yours I would be overjoyed. Keep at it!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations, I know it's hard work!

QuiltNut Creations said...

that is fantastic! good for you!

Debi said...

Congratulations on the weight loss, to reach my high school weight I need to lose 40 pounds...ouch. I hope Mark is feeling better.