Mother is Here!!My parents arrived yesterday. I expected them about an hour later so didn't finish everything I planned before they arrived. I had a pile of scraps that sit on the floor in my living room and Mom made me organize it. Well, I had started...she made me finish. My sewing area looks good. We went out to dinner afterwards, came back and went to be. We were all tired from driving to get here.
Today we got up and went out to breakfast then set out on lots of errands. When we finished those I started sewing while Mom cat napped on the balcony and Dad in the recliner in front of TV. After a little while Mom joined in. We just finished up for the night about 30 minutes ago. More ripping than sewing was our clue to stop.
If you remember a few posts back I showed a bunch of bits sewn together. Below is a block we finished. And even further below is progress we made on the rest of the bits. I have 4 block sets in this quilt. Our goal is to finish a set and then take a break and do something else. Repeat til they are all done. This is my #1 UFO from Judy L's challenge. I am feeling hopeful that I will get this topped!