April Goals
My goals are pretty much the same as March. Once I quilted the center of my Irish Chain I didn't touch it again. I have two of my borders planned for the quilting but just did not do it. I made myself work on it tonight. I have to make 3 more rounds of the quilt then decide on that last border. I will finish it this month as I am 35th on the UFO Challenge list for Stashbuster.
My 7 Sisters is coming along. I finished two blocks this weekend. If I continue at that pace it will be done in no time. I do have to patch it again yet but decided to continue quilting the side away from that spot. I think I have 5 big blocks left on that side then several half blocks. Progress is good.
I have several RR's that will be traipsing through. I will turn them as fast as I can.
Fabulous Shirtings
2 hours ago
Shew - thats a lot of round robins. Love the fabrics though - very different from each other.
Once again you maze me Swooze, I don't know where you find the time quite honestly.
Who is rather tired from travelling home, but glad to be home
well I'm inspired to get moving on my UFO's, if I can keep the QuADD at bay for a few weeks. (hardy har har)
I'm just catching up on what you've been up to while I've been away. Sorry to hear that you weren't well. I'm still slowly unpacking and tidying the house while I get to grips with my new job. best wishes, Sharon
You have goals? Girlfriend, it seems you are on a roll. I wish you luck. My goal is to think about what to even get started......LOL Take care.
Goals? Goals? OMG you mean we are supposed to work to ATTAIN our goals? Gosh I sure wish someone would have explained that better. We don't need to just write them down but actually DO them??? MAN! I REALLY HAVE THIS IDEA ALL WRONG!! I thought it was good enough to write them and somehow the quilty gods would somehow do the rest for us!!!!! You obviously got that memo and are at least working on your goals. GOOD going!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Placa de Vídeo, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://placa-de-video.blogspot.com. A hug.
Hi, Somehow my emails keep coming back to my server. Just want to let you know I manage to include the more quilting for fun in my weblog. Last week it just wouldn't work, spent hours trying and it just messed up my blog. This morning it was fixed in 5 minutes. Oooh, the wonders of internet. Greetings Dineke
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