DH Update. Mark met with the doctor for surgery clearance. His MELD score is up to 20 again. The doctor is against surgery to fix the knee. She still wants the amputation but has agreed (finally) to support whatever Mark wants to do. He still wants the repair. We told her we had scheduled the surgery for the 6th and she let us know she will not be in town that day so we need to reschedule. I checked with the ortho doc's office and the PA said keep that day but the ortho doc came back and said reschedule. If we are lucky it will be the 20th. ***** we are tentative for the 27th now *****
Everyone tells us to act with a sense of urgency but no one else seems to be. Lots of feet dragging and delaying. There was supposedly a lot of discussion going on between the surgeon and the ortho and we asked if the ortho was up on what needed to happen. He said he was at the meeting but now that all seems to have been lost.
I am just so frustrated. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to rest....and not have this to deal with. Imagine how my husband feels. He thinks the liver doctor just wants his leg. She has no bedside manner whatsoever. Once we get the surgery done I am calling to see if we can switch to another hepatologist in the group. That won't happen until knee surgery so we don't have to start over.
Frustrated. Overwhelmed. Lost. I am suppressing many things so not sure what other feelings are lurking out there.
Fabulous Shirtings
53 minutes ago
I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this. I am sending prayers your way!!
I have TKRs in both knees. Keeping you both in my thoughts.
Your and your family are always in my thoughts.... my problems are minascule compared to yours, and I thought mine were big!!! LOL
I hope you get a good result from all this.
I'm so sorry about all that you are going through. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I can't believe all you are both going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
love and big hugs xxx
Swooze, keeping you and Mark in my prayers. I hope things smooth out very soon.
This is such a sad situation. How dreadful to be so ill and feel as though the professionals are not compassionate or even communicative. I'm so sorry that y'all are going through this.
I feel so bad for you and hubby. It's bad enough having a serious illlness but then to get drs that have no bedside manners or a clue. I could never get all my drs to work as a team and would fire them- used make my hubby crazy
chin up- we're praying for you both
How awful to have to deal with the doctors as well as the medical issues. It must feel like a nightmare for both of you. I will keep you both in my prayers. Please try to keep a positive attitude.
So sorry you are having to go through this. Hoping for a good resolution.
Dear Swooze,
I am so sorry to read all the problems that DH is facing at the moment! It must be so frustrating for all of you!
Sending you big hugs, and hope things will be resolved..and better very soon!
Thinking of you all often
Swooze - I am so sorry to hear about all of the stress and medical issues that you and DH have been dealing with and especially the insensitivity of the medical profession. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as you deal with all of this.
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