I bought the Pampered Pooch pattern and fabric a few years ago. I love red, white and blue and I love dogs so what a perfect combination for me. I can't quite remember why I bought the fabric piece meal like I did but I knew I was going to be very close if not short on my background fabric. I decided I needed to start cutting and sewing to find out what I was lacking.
Yesterday I cut the big pieces I needed first then worked my way down to the smallest pieces. It looks like I am a half yard short. I was going to order more but decided to wait and sew everything I have to make sure I do not lack others. I need to order soon before it is all gone!
See the shape cut on the table? I just started using this yesterday. It is really good and I can cut really fast but....I can make lot's of mistakes really fast as well. Luckily I cut some fabric incorrectly that I should not be short on. Live and learn! Great tool so far.
I love r/w/b too- that's gonna be really cute!
Cute fabric and I love the shape cut tool...Yes, you can make mistakes reall quick..what's that rule, measure twice, cut once? This tool really makes cutting strips fast. I have two of them in different sizes.
This post reminded me that I too have a Pampered Pooch quilt in progress that I haven't touched since...October. I had to look up the last update on my blog:
http://corgipants.blogspot.com/2009/10/projects-on-crafting-table.html :)
Love the Pampered Pooch fabric! I haven't tried the Shape Cut Tool but looks like it would be great since I am a slow cutter! Glad to see you back-missed you at the guild meetings.
I love the red white and blue dogs and bones. I've not seen that ruler before - I don't like cutting so it might be worth looking into.
This is really cute fabric...I have never seen it before!
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