Do you have UFO goals?
I set my goal to catch up with my mystery quilt and to fix my horse quilt. I set stretch goals too. They were to finish the next installment of the mystery and get the next border on the horse quilt. I made strides on those but didn’t meet them.
The mystery quilt now has the flying geese, some with corner squares, the pinwheels, the strata joined and 76 of the 216 HSTs needed.
I worked at a retreat yesterday for a solid 8 hours sewing on the next border for my horse quilt. The goal was to cut down the first border and reattach the chevron border. I am making a header and footer of rail fence blcks. I originally decided to make them the same size of 4 rows each. As I workedon it I decided I wanted the symmetry of odd rows so went with 5 rows on top and 3 on bottom. By splitting it this way it will keep the horses on the bed below the pillows and still keep the design on the top of the mattress. This is subject to change as I go.
Pictured here are the parts laying on the bed. I was short 1 x 1.5” blue strip to complete the last rail fence row needed!
Open to your ideas and thoughts if you care to voice them.
What’s under your needle?
IWow I’ve had a full week and now my blog content has stacked up.
First I pulled this off the frame this week. My goal is to bind it over the weekend.
Then Valentines arrived and I was most definitely honored on that day. Gifts and cards galore.
Finally, did you see the Mardi Gras swag Glen, from Quilts and Dogs, received? They were lovely red lips embroidered with Artemis as they came from the krewe of that same name. I asked what she intended to do with them since Artemis lives here. She gifted them to me and threw in a few bonus spools of Sigma poly thread. I look forward to trying it (or maybe not based on her feedback).
How is your week going?
I had a date with the seam ripper this past week and got the chevron border off the horse quilt. I ripped the borders down and have to sew two of them back together where I spliced a block out rather than taking the corners off too.
Everything is pressed and ready to sew for the borders. I’ll cut the brown border down and add the shortened chevron borders back on.
Why did I take the borders off? I didn’t like how it lay on the bed. I wanted the chevron completely on top. Plus the brown border looked too chunky to me. When you make it up as you go along that is how it goes. Sew a little. Rip a little. Repeat.
I own a Handiquilter and they have a ruler club going on right now. My meeting was today. There was discussion and demos. I asked everyone how they get started quilting when they feel stuck. The shop owner suggested I keep a practice piece on the side and wsrm up on that before I start quilting. Will try that out!
The other part of my OMG goal is getting caught up on the Border Creek Station mystery. I have to make six pinwheels, which are now done but need trimming, and make 24 flying geese. I have to cut a few more strips and subcut them but have 1 done and 16 half done.
How are you doing with your quilty goals?
I didn’t meet my January goal so let’s hope this month is better. This month is going to be two piecing goals.
1) catch up on my Border Creek Station Mystery through installment 4. I have to make pinwheels and flying geese to do this. My stretch goal will be to get installment 5 done too but won’t keep me from declaring this goal complete.
2) I am going to remove the borders from my horse quilt, cut the first one down and put it back together. My stretch goal is to get the next border on after this.
Linking up with Patty at Elm Street Quilts for OMG linkup.