I just pulled this off the quilter. My goal was to get this quilted. My month was busy with working on the love quilt previously posted here.

Did you finish your OMG? I’m linking up with Elm Street Quilts.
I just pulled this off the quilter. My goal was to get this quilted. My month was busy with working on the love quilt previously posted here.
Did you finish your OMG? I’m linking up with Elm Street Quilts.
I have picked up a few books on free motion quilting over the past year or so. In fact, there is one lost in the mail between Glen’s house and mine at the moment. My most recent aquisitions were Angela Walter’s Shape by Shape books. Yup there are two. She is also running a weekly free motion quilt a long at the moment.
I have been watching and rewatching her videos. They are wonderful. She cracks me up talking about making mistakes and moving on. I can do that! It’s my specialty.
So two months ago I was handed a live quilt to quilt. A sampler! I’m not a sampler fan. When I think about quilting them I can nit bring myself to do an all over design. So what to do?
Here comes my excitement over the Shape by Shape books, the Adobe Draw I talked about a few posts ago and the pressure of a rehospitalization of the intended recipient. I stepped up to the quilt and I started! The hardest step is the first one.
I didn’t like what I did in the sashing so stopped and mived to a block. My lines were very eavy but I decided to finish as it was. The design was sort of whirligig and I liked the motion it gave.
I have a few favorites.
I am pleased! I have learned so much and can’t wait to do more!
Carole at Quilting Adventures had a sweet little giveaway for her blog anniversary and I won! It is an adorable little wool kit wall hanging. I love it! Thanks Carole!
I can’t wait to work on it.
Do you enter giveaways? Have you won anything lately?
Several weeks ago I bought Touch Draw from the app store. Mary from Making Scrap Quilts from Stash had talked about it and I thought I could design with it. I viewed her video but cannot get the sound to work. I read the associated documents and still no go. I shot an email off to Mary and she offered to send so e notes. Hopeful to use it successfully.
Previously Glen at Quilts and Dogs talked about her Plexiglass and wet erase markers and drawing on it as an overlay on her quilts. I was not tempted enough to go that route. Not long after I bought TouchDraw a blogger mentioned Adobe Draw. I was intrigued. It was a free app. I downloaded it hoping for better luck. I played and played with it. I thought it would be great if I could import pictures to draw on them. Lo and behold I found that feature!
I have a love quilt I’ve been trying to quilt. I started snapping pictures and importing them. I have been sketching on them when I don’t know what to quilt. Erase and draw. Erase and draw. With it and my quilt design books and increased courage I’ve been very pleased with my work.
My scribbles...
The quilted result.
I didn’t quilt exactly what I drew. Simplified it in many cases. I am pleased!
How do you decide? Plan? Prepare for quilting?
These are traditional patterns but some with a modern slant. Any favorites?
More tomorrow!
Here are minis and small quilts that were judged. Artist statement to follow.
Guess which one was my favorite!
Traditional quilts coming soon.
Chantal asked to see some minis from the show. The first batch were donated for the auction. No artist statement available.
Some are small quilts rather than minis.
What are your favorites and why?
Do you have a quilt show coming up?
I took a half day from work to attend the Dallas Quilt show. Lots of quilts to see and plenty of vendors. I took lots of photos to share with a home bound friend. I seem to be taking less photos of traditional quilts unless there is a color way that grabs me.
Best of Show - Beckey Prior
I had a very short shopping list. I did not find 2 fabrics I was looking for. One was a suitable sashing for the antique top I showed last time. The other was a pink and/or green 30’s print to serve as the lost binding. I saw a few but decided to wait. There’ll be more!
What I did find was an adorable panel of baby jungle animals. 2 in fact. Elephants are the nursery theme these days. I’ll whip them up for babies in my life. I was also looking for a print suitable to widen a coral quilt back I have. I found a beauty with pretty blues and corals.
I’ve also been on the lookout fir a pair of Karen Kay Buckley scissors at a local store. I mentioned this to my wool instructor, Amy, who had a booth at the show. She told me if I could find Tim Holtz scissors to get those. I had just seen them in three sizes so went back and bought the smallest size. Wow, I love the feel of these scissors in my hand. They cut extremely smoothly.
Found my jeans pattern! Yeah! I also know many many places my bindings are NOT. I was up until after 11:30 searching Saturday night. I got so mad at myself for spending so much time searching that I decided to sew Sunday. I did peek here and there but got lots accomplished on my 216 HSTs.
Want to see more quilt show pics? Art? Modern? Mini? Traditional?
Happy quilting!
Some time ago I posed a question on my yahoo group Stashbuster. What is your oldest UFO and what are your plans to finish it? I told the group about the antique top I bought back in the late 80’s or early 90’s. I told them my plan was to find the top and then make a plan to move it forward towards a finish. I could not find it.
I have a window in my sewing room. I had this top sitting on a quilt rack in front of that window. At some point the top fell off the rack and against the window sill. There was condensation on the window that got to the quilt top and damaged it. When I discovered it I saw that there were red and blue spots that had faded. I saw shiva sticks at a quilt show in those colors and bought them with the intention to color in the faded spots.
I have looked off and on for that top with no luck. About three weeks ago I quilted a top and went looking for the premade binding. Same story, can’t find it. I have looked every where that I thought it could be. No luck and then.... I found the lost UFO top. I took it to the LQS to discuss that plan.
While we were examining it and discussing the age we realized how thread bare the sashing was. The current opinion is it is from 1960’s. My friends suggested I replace all the sashings rather than try to color them. We tried color matching. It looks like a teal blue but the original color was probably navy. I’m going to take it with me to the Dallas quilt show to try to find something suitable. I’ll be thinking of a backing and binding too while I’m at it. I do plan to hand quilt this so will be considering thread color as well.
What’s your oldest UFO and what are your plans for finishing it?
Swooze who is still looking for the bindings
Last night was my sewi in at the church. I took 4 things with me. Two got a glance which was their purpose. One for border ideas and the other to show and share the quilting I did. I had hoped to trim it but was making such good progress on the other two that I put that off.
Project number 3 was strip cutting on my mystery to make progress on my needed 216 2” finished HSTs. No time for subcutting.
Here is what took the lions share of my time. I finished the rows for the footer block of rail fence blocks. I finished off the header and footer to bring it to size. I attached them to the center piece with brown sashing. I added sashing to the sides and have the sash cut to add to the top and bottom. I was going to cut the final border which is black but am trying to decide if I need a strip of color between the sash and the border. Hmmmm...
What do you think? Are you sewing today?
When I posted my February finish I began thinking about March. I struggled a little trying to decide. I remembered my list of 12 quilts I’d like to finish this year and chose from that list. Duh!
It’s my tumbler quilt. I want the backing to be red but the quilt isn’t agreeing with me. I may just use the same blue as the border or even the gray of the inner border. Thoughts?
Linking up with Patty at Elm Street Quilts for One Monthly Goal.
What’s your goal?