Every Saturday I meet my friends at church. Moo moo always goes and is a big hit with most everyone. Study this picture and think about what the thought bubble is above his head.
I sewed several evenings last week and chipped away at making my blocks for my Stacked Squares. The tutorial can be found
here. This was me flexing my scrap using muscle. I had made my envelope quilt and had a stack of fabric leftovers from that. When I knew I was going to be short on colors I grabbed fabrics from a bag of scraps someone had left at church. One night while sewing I wanted more red so I pulled my red bucket down and picked several. Wow that was fun!
When I got to church I had all but 10 blocks done. I had the pieces cut and ready to add. I quickly sewed those on and then spent the next several hours pressing all those blocks. Ugh! Press as you go girl! Yes, hours.
I threw them up on the design wall. I already had in my head that I wanted them in rows. I decided to try out the layout that Melissa showed in her tutorial. I hated to admit I liked the circle design. The girls were teasing me that I should put it up for a vote. The overwhelming response was circles. I did have a few in the lines corner. My daughter even texted me and told me she liked the lines better. It was very entertaining.

I’m seriously considering making one in the RSC colors. I need to get more serious about finding projects I want to throw my scraps at. More to come.
So back to Moo moo. There are three of us that meet regularly. Moo has known Linda from the first week I got him and has seen her every week since. I’ve had him for a year now and he loves her. Then there’s Karen. Let’s just say she has too much energy for his liking. He’s getting more accepting of her especially when she’s sharing her lunch with him.
I glanced over and saw him staring at her. I was a little surprised that I knew exactly what he was thinking. I asked her if she knew what he wanted and she said she did. He was not trying to get up on her lap. This is what he wanted.
This is what he was thinking…. “ can you please get out of my chair?”. In the past he jumped up when she went to cut or press. Now he’s just downright rude and stares trying to will her to get up. Spoiled!
Happy quilting!,