I borrowed this from a friend that heard Bonita speak. This was what he took away from her lecture.
When Bonita Norris, the youngest British woman to climb Mount Everest, set out on her quest to conquer this mountain, she faced much resistance. She was told by experts that 99% of the people who say that they’re going to climb Mount Everest, fail. That’s pretty disheartening news to someone who has never climbed a mountain. Instead of listening to the loudest voices of the ninety-nine percentile, she decided to focus on the quieter 1%. What is it about that 1% that sets them apart? With this focus, just a few years later she conquered that mountain and stood on the summit.
What are your mountains? What do you need to conquer? Listen to that still small voice, the voice of victory and focus on that. Take it one step at a time. Don’t worry about the thousands of steps or decisions ahead of you. Just the next one. That’s the only one you need to take right now. Also note that the steps you’ve taken so far, every single one of them, has brought you to this place, this moment, this decision point. I don’t know about you, but my biggest mountains are those that exist in my mind. I’m learning how to quiet those loud voices, the naysayers, your enemy and focus on my champion, the victory, the 1%. It could take you to great heights.

This is my mountain. My Avante that I’ve owned since August 2015. I can probably count the number of quilts I’ve quilted on it with two hands. Why do I not use it more? You’ve seen me crank out tops left and right. I taken several ruler classes. I’ve quilted for others both for group gifts and commissions I’ve taken on. Not one single time has my work been criticized.
So why? I’ve tried talking to others about it. I’ve tried to enlist a coach or encourager. No luck. I’ve thought about it many times and tried to pin the reason on others. My son complains it’s too noisy. He’s barely around anymore. There goes that excuse. My daughters cats were always using it for a hammock. They became interested in the thread so it was immediately unthreaded and not used since. Neither the daughter nor cats live here any longer. I know it’s me. All me!
I had a quilt on the frame that my design was too complex for my skill set at the time. I took it off until my skill set matched my desired plan. I’ve mostly freehand quilted with good success. I have a tendency to want to custom quilt everything. I can’t seem to see that an all over pattern will be just fine for what I am doing. What I am doing is quilting every day quilts. The current quilt on the frame is one that I’m doing an all over swirl pattern on. It’s boring, I’m bored, I don’t want to do it. I’ve learned a lot about myself haven’t I?
So here I am. I don’t want to take that quilt off. I need to move forward. Do I pick it out and do something else? No, I’m a quarter to a third way through. Can I change the pattern up? Doubtful but I may be able to make the designs more open so it’s less quilting but it’s still a lot of quilting. I just need to commit myself to doing a little on it everyday until it’s done.
Do you have something you’re trying to overcome?