Judy L's UFO Challenge

Monday, April 15, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 4/15/2013

I did not finish all the wing units but I had enough to play with the layout.  I have several sets of wings that are not red.  There are blue, purple, yellow, and rust.  I scattered the color in this layout only pooling the peach stars that I received.  I had tried putting yellow with peach but it overwhelmed the peach.  Not sure the blue is much better as it lies there quietly. 

I didn't feel like trying another layout at the time but am going to try pooling all the colors together.  I plan to start sewing pieces together that will allow me to have fewer parts to handle while trying different layouts.  Would love to hear your thoughts so far.  Pics below show two of the color spots close up.

For those with eagle eyes this is the alternate layout created ny Laura that is shown here.


Rhonda said...

I love your design. I can see the secondary design in the layout!!

Deborah Hamilton said...

Very pretty!

Mary said...

This is looking good! Love your colors.

*kd. said...

Oh I dunno - it's pretty spectacular if you ask me. I love the way the colors work and the pattern sparkles! Yes, that's it. It sparkles. Love IT.

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