7 Sisters Update The binding is done! Yesterday I went to a Sit N' Sew at the local LQS and worked on the repairs that were needed to the top from the dog incident plus some poor sewing. Now that is done except for one little spot that I wanted to use a different color thread on. I can probably take care of that in five minutes. I really want to call this done but have decided I must quilt the setting triangles. I am going to work on this and rotate to other projects as I feel a little burnt out on it.
Did I mention that I had 5 round robins at my house? The first one had a due date of the 15th. All I had to do was baste it. I had that thing for over a month and just piddled away. I got that one done and in the mail on the 23rd. Shame on me! It is done though. I will hide a pic here later. The one I worked on the previous month is here and I did this and this. Tami and Nancy these are spoilers so don't look if you want to be surprised.
The next RR is one that I had already done my step on. One of the gals did three and I didn't want unfinished pieces to go back to her so I got another gal to agree to finish a seond one (she had the last step on one) and send me the third. I have the applique on there. I bound it Friday. Tonight I will add a hanging sleeve and a button. I will add a pic here tonight.
That leaves three pieces. Two have to be written on. Of course the one that I have to only write on I can't decide what to write. I have sent some suggestions off to the owner to see what she thinks. I really do hope that it will be going in the mail tomorrow! The second one I have to write on I have to quilt. I have some ideas but will have to develop them further. The third piece, quilting only, need to develop that plan.
I hope to get all these RR's on the road this week so I can get back to my UFOs. I have one big one to quilt by machine and hope the Labor Day weekend will give me the time to dedicate to that.
Check back for pics tonight!
Repose - the Flimsy
1 hour ago
1 comment:
looks great! can;t wait for it to get home!
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