Part of travelling back and forth is making sure I carry whatever I need from one place to the other. I am always carrying some quilty thing with the desire to work on it but never seem to deliver. Two weekends ago I made huge progress on all the fleece blankets that I carried home with me. Every one finished and delivered to it's recipient.
I am heading home today and packed last night. I was tempted to take my "It's a Wrap" with me but didn't want to mess up my layout. So I decided to take dd's quilt I am making for her birthday. I have carried it back and forth so many times and not sewn a stitch yet. I caught myself reaching for other things to take too. I stopped myself and added the RR I need to work on plus my accessories. I must finish this quilt. I plan on a sewing marathon. Want to join me?
I have also been on a sorting, tossing, organizing mission. When I am not sewing I will be sorting, tossing and organizing. I am still missing two pieces of fabric that I had pulled out to kit up earlier this year. What the heck did I do with that stuff????
Come sew or organize with me over this long weekend! I may toss something your way.
Do you have any sewing plans this weekend? I hope to get some sewing done also. Be safe driving back.
I'm trying real hard to get back to quilting after some time off. I just need to get motivated again! I have been reading quilting e-mails and blogs all day today. Tomorrow I'm hoping to gather a few projects I want to work on. Then hopefully I'll start sewing and get bit with the quilting bug again. Oh, and if you have anything to "toss" my way that would be totally awesome!!!! :) Bye, Lisa in Ohio
I am totally having a sewing weekend this weekend!! Although, I have to work at my shop on Saturday and it will take up most of my day, I will really make up for it on Sunday and Monday! And hopefully this afternoon and tonight if we get an early release from work! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)
Love the bow ties! I'm very new to your blog. Where can I find the pattern to Spring Breeze?
Swooze - - Congratulations! You won my giveaway for the week. I'm writing the post now. Email your snail mail address to me at
Momcat and Piwacket
Dear Swooze
You will be delighted that I only have have 3 projects that I have been actively working on.
Some where I misplaced 16 pieces of one of the quilts I am working on. Since I have been boxing stash anticipating moving yet again things seem to disappear. I would love to complete at least one of the quilts but I need to organize my packed items. I am sure the fabrics for each of the other 2 are in boxes along with the missing pieces. Should have labeled the boxes. sigh.
I have not picked a bag pattern for Sami so if you can use the cat fabric go right ahead! She just wanted a bag to carry her yarn project in and i'm sure i can find cat fabric in my stash if you can use the ones you won. But thank you so much for thinking of us!
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