I sewed Friday night with the church ladies. We broke around 8:30 because we were going to sew the next day too! We left all our stuff overnight. We resumed at 9 a.m. the next morning. The planned departure was around 6 p.m. I thought I left early but it was around 5:45 when I left.
My goals were to assemble the Savannah top, make my Saturday Sampler block and disassemble Lynn’s quilt for repair.
Assembled the Savannah top. Bonus: I also assembled the back and made a scrappy Susie’s magic binding for it.

I got my Saturday Samler block fused. Later in the evening I completed the blanket stitch.

I disassembled Lynn’s quilt. I thought it was clean but it was a dirty mess. After takng it apart I washed the front and back. The first tub was a muddy mess so I stopped the wash, drained it and washed it again. I draped them in the garage and by morning they were dry. I just finished picking the outter two borders off that were shattered. I was regretting taking it all apart but I think I can make it work.

I’ll use the backng for repairs and stash too. It will get a new backing and I plan to make the binding also from the back.
Accomplishments met and then some!
Remember my little basket of kitties? Athena was a feral kitten born behind my favorite LQS. We guestimate she was born April 1st. She came to my house May 11th. I’ve been concened that she would not settle down and want to be cuddled. Look at her this a.m. I must be doing something right.

I’ll just have to be patient with her.
What sewing goodness is happening at your place?
really like the savannah top....great progress! i need a retreat like that...
You have made a lot of progress with your projects. That Savannah top is so cute!
Wow, I forget to read blogs for a little while and suddenly boom! 13 posts! You've been so busy, well done. Lots of progress there, best wishes
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