I took a half day from work to attend the Dallas Quilt show. Lots of quilts to see and plenty of vendors. I took lots of photos to share with a home bound friend. I seem to be taking less photos of traditional quilts unless there is a color way that grabs me.
Best of Show - Beckey Prior

I had a very short shopping list. I did not find 2 fabrics I was looking for. One was a suitable sashing for the antique top I showed last time. The other was a pink and/or green 30’s print to serve as the lost binding. I saw a few but decided to wait. There’ll be more!
What I did find was an adorable panel of baby jungle animals. 2 in fact. Elephants are the nursery theme these days. I’ll whip them up for babies in my life. I was also looking for a print suitable to widen a coral quilt back I have. I found a beauty with pretty blues and corals.
I’ve also been on the lookout fir a pair of Karen Kay Buckley scissors at a local store. I mentioned this to my wool instructor, Amy, who had a booth at the show. She told me if I could find Tim Holtz scissors to get those. I had just seen them in three sizes so went back and bought the smallest size. Wow, I love the feel of these scissors in my hand. They cut extremely smoothly.
Found my jeans pattern! Yeah! I also know many many places my bindings are NOT. I was up until after 11:30 searching Saturday night. I got so mad at myself for spending so much time searching that I decided to sew Sunday. I did peek here and there but got lots accomplished on my 216 HSTs.
Want to see more quilt show pics? Art? Modern? Mini? Traditional?
Happy quilting!
Which quilt are you looking for 30's binding? Send me a picture. I have a small stash of vintage fabrics - maybe I have something you could use.
I hate wasting time on hunting down something. Frustration to the max!!
Would love to see more quilt show pics. I love traditional and mini, please.
Oh dear, I've miss the quilt show again!!! I'll bet it was fantastic.
what a gorgeous guilt, great win as best in show for Becky. I have some Karen Kay Buckley scissors and they are wonderful! Expensive, but I bought them from a class in Lafayette with Ami Simms. That must have been 5 years ago, maybe? They are still sharp.
Ha! I hear you on losing things and spending way too much time finding them. I "try" to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Try being the key word there!
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