My Buy Week at the Dallas Quilt Show.
The fabric plan:
- Daisy fabric
- Fuschia fabric
- Coordinates from Dick and Jane Fabric Line
- Backing for Irish Chain Quilt
- Backing for the 12 Days of Christmas quilt
- Vintage fabric to restore the Seven Sisters top
The fabric reality:
- Daisy fabric
- Fuschia fabric
- Coordinates from Dick and Jane Fabric Line
- Backing for Irish Chain Quilt
- Vintage fabric to restore the Seven Sisters top
- Fabric for dd to make a brights quilt including backing
- Fabric for dd to make a gerber daisy quilt including the backing
- Sanctuary Jelly roll
- Green marbled fabric with gold dragonflies for a gift
The fabric plan:
- Daisy fabric
- Fuschia fabric
- Coordinates from Dick and Jane Fabric Line
- Backing for Irish Chain Quilt
- Backing for the 12 Days of Christmas quilt
- Vintage fabric to restore the Seven Sisters top
The fabric reality:
- Daisy fabric
- Fuschia fabric
- Coordinates from Dick and Jane Fabric Line
- Backing for Irish Chain Quilt
- Vintage fabric to restore the Seven Sisters top
- Fabric for dd to make a brights quilt including backing
- Fabric for dd to make a gerber daisy quilt including the backing
- Sanctuary Jelly roll
- Green marbled fabric with gold dragonflies for a gift
- Hummingbird fabric
I went to the Dallas show on Friday and spent the entire day there visiting every vendor. I thought I would be able to find at least one vendor with Christmas fabric. If it was there I didn't find it. I even test drove a Husqavarna sewing machine and the fabric mover. The sales people were very high pressure and the person showing me the machine had several issues. The machine was not selling itself to me. I also test drove a Janome 4900QC. I went for the purpose of looking at the Janome JEM and asked about the next machine up. I sewed a little and asked some questions. I liked the machine and decided to talk to dh about it. I am glad that I did as I recalled the discussions on the 6500 and 6600 models. When I left that day I had made all my planned purchases with the exception of the 12 Days backing and the vintage fabric for my restoration project.
I went back to the show the next day. This time I took dd and met up with some friends from quiltchat. That day my goal was to photograph all the quilts I liked. I did that, saw the Alzheimers exhibit and saw a special exhibit of gorgeous quilts that were purchased at garage sales, antique stores and even found in the trash. DD and I had something to drink so she could rest. 12 yo's don't like all that walking at a quilt show. We went back to the Janome dealer so that I could ask about the other two models and made a decision. I had almost talked myselk out of buying a new machine. I asked for a comparison between the 4900 and the 6500. Then a comparison of the 6500 and the 6600. I decided the extra for the 6600 was not worth it to me. I test drove the 6500 and asked lots of questions. I sat and thought a bit and asked if they would "give" me a rolling bag for the machine. They would not agree to it. She agreed to give me a spool of YLI thread. I saw the owner and asked him if he would give me the bag. After a little negotiation we agreed to $100, less than his cost. I was psyched. While the gal was writing up my order I asked her about a good starter machine for my dd. She pointed out the Hello Kitty machine. I didn't want that. She pointed out two Jem's. I was looking at one I think was the Gold and she said for the money she would get the Platinum 720, so I did. I told dd this would be her primary machine but my class machine when I took one. She agreed. They asked me to swing by the shop to pick up the machines since I was local. I get them this Saturday since the Jem won't be in until Friday. I am really excited!
I went to the Dallas show on Friday and spent the entire day there visiting every vendor. I thought I would be able to find at least one vendor with Christmas fabric. If it was there I didn't find it. I even test drove a Husqavarna sewing machine and the fabric mover. The sales people were very high pressure and the person showing me the machine had several issues. The machine was not selling itself to me. I also test drove a Janome 4900QC. I went for the purpose of looking at the Janome JEM and asked about the next machine up. I sewed a little and asked some questions. I liked the machine and decided to talk to dh about it. I am glad that I did as I recalled the discussions on the 6500 and 6600 models. When I left that day I had made all my planned purchases with the exception of the 12 Days backing and the vintage fabric for my restoration project.
I went back to the show the next day. This time I took dd and met up with some friends from quiltchat. That day my goal was to photograph all the quilts I liked. I did that, saw the Alzheimers exhibit and saw a special exhibit of gorgeous quilts that were purchased at garage sales, antique stores and even found in the trash. DD and I had something to drink so she could rest. 12 yo's don't like all that walking at a quilt show. We went back to the Janome dealer so that I could ask about the other two models and made a decision. I had almost talked myselk out of buying a new machine. I asked for a comparison between the 4900 and the 6500. Then a comparison of the 6500 and the 6600. I decided the extra for the 6600 was not worth it to me. I test drove the 6500 and asked lots of questions. I sat and thought a bit and asked if they would "give" me a rolling bag for the machine. They would not agree to it. She agreed to give me a spool of YLI thread. I saw the owner and asked him if he would give me the bag. After a little negotiation we agreed to $100, less than his cost. I was psyched. While the gal was writing up my order I asked her about a good starter machine for my dd. She pointed out the Hello Kitty machine. I didn't want that. She pointed out two Jem's. I was looking at one I think was the Gold and she said for the money she would get the Platinum 720, so I did. I told dd this would be her primary machine but my class machine when I took one. She agreed. They asked me to swing by the shop to pick up the machines since I was local. I get them this Saturday since the Jem won't be in until Friday. I am really excited!
Congrats on the new machines! I LOVE the Allegro book..I have taught the matchstick marimba twice. Easy and fun quilt...
Wow! You really did well. Congratulations on all your purchases.
Wow I wish I was with you to shop. Your purchases look great. Janome's are great machines. I have the one and it is a dream to sew with and the throat is nice and wide. Enjoy your machines.
Congratulations on all your purchases. You did good!! I love the hummingbird fabric, so pretty.
WOW 2 sewing machines in 1 day. Lucky you.
I tried the "buy the sewing machine for DD, but I could take it to classes" thing too. It didn't work out for me because I always found a reason I needed my HEAVY other machine so I just ended up taking it.
WTG! You're going to love that Janome - it's my #1 machine now. And I passed on the 6600 for the same reasons you did! Just not a big enough difference to justify the price. You had a super trip to Show......
Hope you enjoy your new machines. Does your Janome have any kind of stitch regulation system??
Congrats on two machines. I've heard good things about them.
Fabric and books look good too. Reminds me of when I went to Houston. Too much to look at....hard to haul it all home!
Wow, that's quite the budget you have for quilt shows! Congrads on your new machine. Happy quilting with all those treats!
Now that was one great shopping trip! I hope you enjoy your new machines and make many wonderful projects using them.
WOW! Sounds like you had quite a time! What fun!
Good luck with the 2 new machines. I can not justify getting any more machines (between my husband & I we have 16!! -- the majority of them are antiques).
I really like the look of the hummingbird fabric. . .am going to be travelling to Lancaster, PA a couple of times in the next couple of weeks. . .think I might have to break the April Fabric Diet to get some of that for my stash (not that I need it, mind you!!).
I have Janome JEM and love it! It's the only machine I use. Of course, I don't machine quilt. At least not yet.
A free spool of thread for spending how much money??? Are they kidding? Great job on negotiating the carry bag.
I've been thinking about buying some Dick and Jane fabric. I just haven't seen any in person yet. Perhaps when I'm shop hopping in May.
It sounds as if you had a wonderful show this year! I have friends with that 6500, and they all seem to like it. I have a Viking 500, and I really love that. I've had it quite a while, and nary a problem. It travels around the country with me, everywhere I go.
Wow, that's quite a haul you got there at the show - how fun! Great news about your new machines. This is my first stop by your blog, I've been naughty about cruising the blogs lately. Thanx for having me!
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