I got Tagged. Well I am honored to have been tagged by Leigh to name my 5 favorite or inspirational sites. Honored because she named me as one of her 5 favorites!
Please note this is in random order. And I will whine like all others when I say that it was hard to choose just five. I quickly listed 8.
I adore Triller. She is a cat that blogs with the help of her Mum Cat. She and Chelsea have some great adventures. Mum Cat is quite the artist and Triller shows off her work all the time.
Mary has the most beautiful quilts. She is very prolific and shows great pictures. She is a large part of Heartstrings and has exchanged emails with me many times to help me see why a quilt speaks to me. She is very generous with her time in many ways.
Darlene has this huge stack of UFOs. She amazes me. They don't stop her from starting new things either! I want to be more like Darlene but momma keeps asking when I am going to finish all my other stuff. She has been doing all these great little projects with charm packs. I STALK Darlene's blog and I am not afraid to admit it. I can't wait to see what new goodies she has to post.
Lisa just did an amazing quilt that she painted and then did some extremely detailed quilting on. She does such a variety of work. I like to see what she has done lately....it let's me know what is possible and inspires me to try new things.
Beth in MD is my bud. She encourages me herself. We laugh all the time as we discover one more thing we have in common. Are you keeping a list Beth? She cheers my every little accomplishment and cyber hugs me when I need it. She really helped me get through a tough year last year! Her blog is great. She has lots of lists. I push her to add more to that completed list all the time! ;) She is the Queen of UFOs in #quiltchat but I wonder if Darlene could unseat her....hmmm...watch out Beth!
So those are my 5 but I am not going to stop.....
Sharon does amazing miniatures work. She and I chat a couple times a week and she recently blogged about Blog Pressure. Gee, could that be me?!?! Sharon has lots of lovely work and shares it most generously with all. She is a sweet gal!
Beth is an inspiration to me. I was a soccer mom, now a tennis mom and will soon be a golf mom. She helps kids with chess tournaments. Any person that spends one minute helping a child is #1 in my book. I know there are many kids out there lost...not getting that "thing" they need. I had many teachers that helped me with that "thing" that I needed at the moment. Beth, I am sure there are many kids out there that will remember you for a long, long time!
Bonnie at quiltville has a great website in addition to her blog. She makes the greatest quilts and gives out her free designs. She has lots of tips about organizing your scraps. Her site is a great read. Read Bonnie's blog from March 31 and April 1, 2007. Here is proof to the world that no good deed goes unturned. She has been so generous and when she needed help it came to her ten fold. Bonnie, you are a treasure!
There are so many blogs out there that I love. I picked those that came to mind immediately. I am sure I will be remorseful that I didn't pick this one or that. There are so many that inspire me.
Escape to Belize - Cave Tubing
58 minutes ago
All great blogs - thanks for sharing.
Hi Swooze!
Fanks for listing my blog as one ob yor fabrits!
I cant play da tag game rite now but I promise I will for da next time I blog. I hopes I can do dat dis weekend.
We knows some ob da utter blogs you likes. But we hasnt had much time to bisit dem lately.
I has to go now.
Hey Swooze - I am absolutely honoured that I made the list - I owe it all to you because you were the one who suggested I blog in the first place. Best wishes, Sharon-UK
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