Stashbuster Topic of the Week. What kind of quilter am I? Well I must admit I picked this topic myself because my own answer makes me giggle. Yes, I laugh at my own jokes. I am a STRIPPER!!!!!!!! Thank you Eleanor Burns and Donna Poster! You did this to me! LOL!!
Okay, okay, calm down. This has nothing to do with my clothes....well except those old jeans I am planning to cut into strips. My favorite quilts are all done in the strip method. I like fast and, I won't comment on that. Even when I am looking at other patterns NOT done in a strip method I try to see if I can use that technique to speed it up a bit. I machine piece and I machine quilt. I do have plans to try some hand piecing, Cathedral Windows, and some hand quilting in the future though. But fast and by machine is my prefered method.
The other characteristic I have to comment on is that I do tend to lean toward the more traditional patterns. The majority of my quilts have been log cabins, irish chains, rail fences. There are a few more "modern" pieces in my history though.
Escape to Belize - Cave Tubing
1 hour ago
This is a great topic to post about and a good way to find out more about our ring members' sewing likes and dislikes. Enjoy your stripping!!
Hi Swooze.
Fanks for stopping by my Blog. Mum an DadCat r boff fine. Mum is still painting on da comp. Shes taking claases. She hasnt done enny quilting inna long time but she is almost reddy.
How do you like yor new machine? Mum has da 6600 an she likes it alot when she acshully uses it.
Triller an Chelsea
A stripper, huh? I'm not sold on stripping yet. I do like chain piecing better.
Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed Easter
I'm not a striper! I like to keep my clothes in one piece including my Jeans! I like variety myself and tend to be spontaneous! Which would explain why I have many projects going at the same time! Keep well and happy quilting!
Oh Swooze! You made me laugh! Your comment about being a stripper was very similar to the comment that was made during a presentation about Underground Railroad quilts & stories.
It was a presentation at my husband's Grange meeting. . .and two of our friends (married couple) and I were there as guests for the presentation. The 4 of us (including my husband) are quilters & familiar with Eleanor Burns. . so when the lecturer was talking about Eleanor & said she was a great stripper we roared! And it got worse for us when everyone else had such appalled looks on their face! hee hee, it was fun to have an "insider's joke".
Have a great day,
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