My Quilting Assistant. Here is my quilting assistant, Rascal. Hubby rescued him from a pound in Tulsa, OK. Hubby saw him on a website and arranged for someone to drive that dog down to Texas. He went and met the lady in Sherman, TX and happily drove him home. I am not sure what hubby saw in this dog but he sure wanted him. He even looked just like his sister and we considered adopting both of them. We were told that he was a mix of Australian Shepherd and Jack Russell Terrier. By his appearance we thought the Jack Russell size would be a heavy influence and he would be our little dog. We already owned one Australian Chow mix and three purebred Australian Shepherds. These dogs were right around the 50 pound mark and I had been used to smaller dogs. I was so happy to have a little dog again.
When he arrived we gave the kids strict orders to not hold him all the time. Every time I went to sit or lie down I had that dog in my arms or on my chest. I was reminded and teased regularly what a hypocrite I was. Yes I know, but I couldn't help it. I am not quite sure when or how it happened but this tiny little boy grew to be our biggest dog. He hovers around 70 pounds. How did a 50 pound breed and a 30 pound breed yield a 70 pound dog. Shouldn't I have gotten an average and not a breed plus breed weight?? Sheesh. Rascal has been with us for about 5 years. I had not spent much time sewing when he arrived but really got back to my sewing and sewing room last summer. I noticed that whenever I went in there that Rascal would jump on the couch and peak through the french door to watch. He sure was interested in what I was doing in there. This progressed to him standing at the door and "knocking" on it and crying to be let in. It just became habit to call and let him in immediately rather than hearing him cry and having to stop what I was doing to let him in.
He has been "locked out" so much that this year he doesn't even cry. He just works on that door handle or door edge until he gets it open and lets himself in. He has lovingly become known as Mom's quilting dog. His door opening ability was amusing up until several weeks ago when he was "helping" me by holding the floor down. One of my other dogs decided to sit at the door and whine because she felt she needed to be in the sewing room as well. I chose to ignore her pleas and called to the family asking them to distract her. Next thing I know Rascal jumped up and opened the door to let her in. I could not believe it. I will just have to tolerate all this company I suppose. Even though he gets up and down and wraps himself around my legs everytime I move I still love his company and his help. I did not think I could love a big dog as much as I love him!
dog v's 3yr old dd + rotary cutter ...... hmmm i know which i would prefer lmao .....(the dog).
swooze i must say you have a beautiful blonde aussie on your hands there, and it can open doors lol who said blondes were dumb .lol love ya xoxoxoxox
My mother had a horse once that could let himself out of his stall door on the barn, to go outside, by working the bolt with his mouth. Congrats on your new computer, look forward to seeing more pics. And I like the totes, I want to do more totes myself because I love all the gorgeous bags in the Japanese books that I own - they seem more manageable than doing a quilt. I also have a Lazy Girl pattern for a knapsack that I want to get to. Not enough time!!! best wishes, Sharon
Rascal is so so handsome. You really must post pictures of him more often!!! That's funny about him letting his sister in.
Well, why WOULDN'T your hubby have wanted him...just look at that sweet face...and those eyes are the sweetest, kindest eyes!!! Oh yes, I would have been like your hubby!! LOL Rascal is a beauty...he could help me with quilting any time! I too wanted a 'little' dog (and compared to yours, mine are TINY dogs ROFL), but my wienie boys are large minis. One of these days I would love to have one like Rascal!
Ooops, Meant to tell you how much I like your totes in the last post!!! Is that a pattern you've drawn up, or a commercial pattern? One you can share? I'm thinking about making some for grocery shopping. I would love to get away from some of these plastic bags.
Well of course your hubby wanted Rascal...he is beautiful! How lucky you are to be so well well loved!
What a cutie! He sounds like a pretty smart fellow. Glad he has a good home now.
We's glad you gots sumbuddy to help you wiff yor quilting. But how much can he do on da floor? Maybe he picks up stuff you drops?
We gets up on da cutting table but we knows not to be near when Mum is cutting. I learnt my lessin when I wuz a kitten and Mum cut her finger to avoid my tail. I felt so bad about dat!
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