Tree of life. This tree is in my front yard. When dh and I bought the house in 1986 his mother would come to visit quite often. She bought us three trees. They all looked like sticks in the ground. I can't remember if she paid $5 or $15 for each of them. One of them died but the other two just flourished. The other is a Bradford Pear and is in the back yard. This is a red oak.
His mother died suddenly and unexpectedly in 1989. It was a shock but I must tell you that through this tree I feel she is still with us. It has grown big and strong. It produces a lot of acorns and we are always pulling up saplings from the yard. I should share these with the neighborhood as many people have scrub trees that have begun to die off.
We talk about moving all the time and one thing that dh and I always agree on. We will take acorns and saplings with us so that his mom can continue to be with us.
That is such a lovely post.
Yes swooze I really love your thoughts in this post!
Hugs , Sewcrazzy42 AKA Sugarqueen
Hey swooze, your tree is about the size of my whole garden! Gardens are small over here. We have a fuschia like that, that was given to me by my husband's grandmother who has since passed. I take cuttings every now and then so we will always have it. My m-i-l has some too in her garden, it reminds us of her.
Great trees and great totes!
I hope hubby is the one that cleans up all those acorns off the ground....pay back from his mum from having to pick up his socks when he was a child! ;)
What a fantastic picture and how lovely to have such a wonderful tree to remember your mil. Our garden is too small to plant trees unfotunately ! Thanks for comments on my blog - gives us new bloggers encouragement !
What a lovely memory, the trees are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
gorgeous tree, so big and lush. We planted trees when two of our babies died, and I am always amazed and struck at how big and strong those trees are already. Waaaaaaaay taller than all of us.
The tree is lovely. Thanks for sharing that with us.
What a wonderful story and memory. Thanks for sharing.
You can look out at your trees and see your mom every day that is so wonderful. What a wonderful gift that was from your mom.
Thanks for sharing and hugs to you.
Great Story--I have a tree in my back yard dthat my dad planted for me. I love it--it is as though he is with us always.
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