Stashbuster Topic of the Week: What get's in the way of my quilty progress? Well I can look around and blame all sorts of things. I work, a LOT. I have the family to attend to and on and on. But, I am also a big proponent of squeeking in 15 minutes here and there to accomplish things.
I made a good deal of progress a couple weeks ago when I turned out three tote bags. Then after that not too much. I continued to sketch and plan my Round Robin row. I have been doing this for weeks! Then it hit me. I worried that it wouldn't be perfect so I was afraid to start until I knew it would be "right". Well now this is my design so who is to say what is right?
This realization was a slap in the face. I immediately got up and went into my sewing room and completed the first two sides of my round. I proudly showed my friends in #quiltchat. They all gave me design "suggestions" after asking about my plans. Some of their thinking was similar to mine and actually meant a better product I think. My initial reaction was to re-draw it. I said no, I am going to just sew it. I went into work on the last two sides. The top was easy, a plain strip. The bottom I had originally planned a full row of pickets across the front. This changed to leave an opening in the fence to lead to the front of the house. I marked my sewing lines and cut my rails shorter and sewed it on. I then sewed pickets on to find that the rails were too long. No big deal, I unpicked the end from the back, trimmed it and sewed the last picket down. Repeat for the other side. See the pics below. I think it turned out great! Just a few more items to add and it is done done.
So what gets in your way?
A new start
1 hour ago
I love the way the rails turned out!
Ok - I've read your post, and my answer still stands LOL! Twenty years ago I would have said the real thing was my difficulty in getting started. There are many good things that come with aging, including outgrowing some things, and getting started sure isn't my problem any more! For more read my blog - though I probably won't have time to post for a day or two.
What gets in my way...........good question!! LOL
The main thing is I spend more time THINKING about what I want to do that DOING. Once I get up off my fanny and go sit at the machine, I accomplish a lot. So time to get up and go...........
I just had a light bulb moment reading your post........."worried that it wouldn't be perfect so you were afraid to start".........I think that is what has kept me from enjoying my current go to read your blog
cute little house! I like that you left the space to get in.
For me it is the Quilt Police who stare over my shoulder when I don't do something the 'right' way - I blame quilt shows for showing me the inhumanly perfect work of much better quilters than myself, which makes me dissatisfied with what I can accomplish. But mainly it is all the interruptions: work, family, chores, sleep lol. Best wishes, sharon
Swooze , I sent you an e-mail BUT I never got a response back so here goes, Please come visit me at my blog and pick up your prize....
(3. Swooze's Quilts and Tall Tales
This is my third choice , Swooze has been a friend to me for years and to top it off I love her Blog, She writes about Quilting, Her Family & Her life ... One chat session with swooze and you'll find she is a fun loving happy Girl with a Rockin Girl Blogger personality~~)
What gets in my way? well a few things, 1) spending to much time figuring out what fabs to use for a project, 2) house work, 3)spending way to much time looking at fabs and patterns on ebay all 900 pages.
I think your ideas with the fence is really cute. Your thoughts with adding the animals I think is a great idea. I will stay tuned!
The thought that after starting a quilt or moving to the next step it won't be perfect has stopped or slowed me so many times. I certainly know that I am not perfect so why do I expect it from my work? VBG This is a huge roadblock, at times.
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