I Sewed! I wrapped all the gifts. I decorated as much as I am going to this year. I have grocery shopped. So when all this was finished yesterday I went to the machine and I sewed. Of course I became quite interesting to dh as the calling of my name began soon after. Once he was settled I managed maybe an hour or so.
I am working on an RR for a friend from #quiltchat. Her RR is a gorgeous red, white and blue all in feedsacks. My addition is squares and rectangles. I added a 1" blue strip all around then a .5" white strip. I was going to add a checkerboard but have changed my mind to use 4" strips, alternated so they will have sort of a rail fence look to them. I will post a picure tonight. I hope to finish it today so I can move onto the next project.
Merry Christmas to all! Hope you have an enjoyable time with your family!
dreary day?
2 hours ago
hey, that sounds like mine! lol i can't wait to see what you do with it
Merry Christmas and may 2008 be a less stressful year for you and your family!
to my swoozie ufo partner, hope your year goes well, with your dh and family. hopefully soon i will have my blog up and running with your help and we can exchange ufo ideas.
Triller sends her thanks for the good wishes. We have been very bad at keeping up reading and posting in bloggerland.
We hope 2008 will be a good year for you and your family.
So sorry to read of the passing of your friend.
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