Monday Update: I know people are coming here for an update so I better give one. Everyone at the hospital was talking about dh coming home today. His lab results are stable. They grew the cultures from his knee and have only identified Staph, luckily NOT the antibiotic resistant one. He has been taking antibiotics since the day of surgery and we will continue this at home with a weekly blood draw.
They are making progress towards his release. The docs have been by and signed off saying all is ok to go. They are waiting for the IV antibiotics to be arranged for home. Not sure how long that will take. I am standing by.
I will be glad when he is home so that I can eliminate all the road travel. I tried to get the house ready for him to come home but didnt quite finish. I will just have to keep at it until it is done. The main thing is eliminating trip and fall hazards. We have some tight spaces so I will have to move things to accomplish this.
Me? Well, quite frankly, I am exhausted. I wish I could just sleep for a couple days but I know what won't happen. I will have early bed if I can get the kids to cooperate.
I handed the love quilt over to the quilter. She said my backing wasn't square so she donated a new backing to me rather than use mine. Sigh....
I did manage to go to a quilters Christmas party with the DFW ladies from the Quilting Passion forum. It was a lot of fun. I brought my friend Amy. She and I were not prepared for the acitivities but several gals donated an ornament for our use and we bought FQs to play the bingo games. A fun time was had by all! I can't wait until next year and I will be ready.
I was talking to someone Saturday night and trying to tell them how I am feeling. I need to move on to that next project. I just feel sort of blah. A feeling of "let down" although I haven't had anyone "do" anything to me. I am sure being tired doesn't help. I know what I need to do next so I will at least pull out the pieces and try to make some small progress there. Hopefully that will get me in the groove again.
Hugs to all of you for your wonderful support!
dreary day?
2 hours ago
I am so glad to hear Mark is doing better. I hope he gets home soon. It was great to see you Saturday and thanks for coming to our get together. You are now an official member of this crazy group...we enjoy having you with us.
Bless your heart and hubby. I know how you feel....the bah feeling. My mother's husband has been in the hospital and rehab since late August!!!!!!! Take care, I'm praying for you.
I'm glad to hear your DH is getting better. I have a suggestion - take a long, hot, bubble bath and relax. You need to be good to yourself right now.
I am sorry you are feeling blah. Hopefully you can rest and feel a little better once DH is home and you have less traveling to do. The party sounds like a blast. I used to live in Fort Worth and wish I was there so I could join the fun:)
Its the constant backwards and forwards. One never seems to be able to get anything done and you spend your life in the car. As soon as DH is back home lihe will get relatively back to normal. Please take care of yourself and don't over do it. There are only so many hours in a day and trying to make more is not good!
I'm not suprised that you feel 'Blah'. You have been under quite a bit of stress. When hubby is getting better I sugest you book yourself in for a stress busting massage.
love and hugs xxx
Of course you are exhausted. and blah. You are going through a lot, both physically and emotionally right now.
Glad to hear he's on the mend.
You have been through a tough season - be gracious with yourself.
"Baby steps" are difficult to be patient with -and it sounds like you are running on 'empty' - so give yourself a break, cut yourself some slack and just put one foot in front of the other, for a while. Things will get done and life will get better. We're all plugging for you.
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