I have 320 nickels to sew together. There are 2 color ways. One is red and white the other is red and black. I have only 5 left to sew for the red and white combo. Then I have to trim what has been sewn. I think I am a little over half way on the trimming. Then I have to sew 4 of these HSTs to make on block. I think I have 10 blocks made so far.
For the red and black combination I have 1/4 of the nickels sewn together with one block sewn together. I had started with grey thread for both colorways but when I assemble the white and red blocks the seams are all white and white fabric. I decided to use white for those and so will sew all that combination first then switch thread back for the rest. I think I can get this one topped this week!
good for you to work so hard on the nickel sewing!
Better you than me Swooze, you certainly have more perseverance than myself.
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