You make all your HSTs.
You sew them into twosies.
You sew them into pinwheels.
You are left with:
Do you:
1) just cut another HST and get on with life
2) keep working on your quilt because you know it’ll show up
3) turn your sewing space upside down looking for the darned thing
Sadly I am some form of 2&3. I have lots of pressing and sewing to do before I need that last pinwheel.
Where do you see yourself?
Make another one and get on with life.....that said, I will then obsess for the next hour until I find the original one, and figure that I need to make three more. Which will cause me to have an orphan block. That is how I get so many orphan blocks.
I would probably cut another one then throw the lost ones once I find them in the scrap bin.
Oh poor Swooze! Sorry you had to waste time looking for a lost unit. I'm more of a number one. I have a box full of triangles and HSTs that will become a quilt ... eventually. So whenever I do find the missing unit, it goes into the box to complete another quilt instead of its own quilt. And that's how life goes to. Sometimes you have to change job to be happy, hahaha! ;^)
Believe it or not, I'm a mixture of 1 and 3 depending on the time of day.....LOL
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