Please be gentle! This is my sewing room and overflow area. To add to the misery we are trying to remodel which came to a screeching halt. This room is about 9 x 10. I really need to just haul it all out and setup the basics. My table, storage shelves, etc. The problem is there really isn't any place to haul it to. I am trying to figure out how to accomplish this now. I really want to finish the UFOs I am working on instead of stopping and cleaning up. I know this will be beneficial in the long run. So should you choose to leave a comment please be encouraging! I need it!
This looks like it could be my sewing area, but I wasn't brave enough to show it! You are very brave indeed! But we are going to get more organized, aren't we?!?!
I think my first stage should be to get rid of the bags...I have too many things in bags that I can't see. I need to get shelving of some sort to organize things so I can see it. Keep going girl...we can do it!
FINALLY someone who posts a picture of a sewing room that looks like mine! Except mine's not that neat. LOL! Like you I have a tiny room (8-1/2'X13') I have a small path from the door to the sewing table so I can still sew (gotta sew or I'll go nuts!) and I'm slowly working on getting the rest cleaned up 15 minutes at a time. I've started ato clear a path to the bookcases so I can put things up as I pick them up. Next I'll clear a path to the closet door so I can do the same there. It might take me all month but I'm determined before May 1st I'll have a neat, organized sewing room!
Wow, that's quite the stash of stuff! Allow me to help out, send me all your fabric! That should give you a bit more room! On a serious note, sorry to read that your sewing room remodeling has stopped. I do hope that it will get back on he to do list. I think you have the right idea by keeping your sewing area accessable. Keep well and happy quilting!
You can do it! I've had my sewing room moved from just about every room in the house (except the bathroom) with kids growing up and moving in and out. I finally claimed a room when number 3 went to college. Now it's not the room of my dreams, but it's mine! well except for the corner that houses my 13 year old and her machine, and stash, and of course there is the spot on the floor where the dog has to nap when I'm in there, and then there is the rocking chair that the cat claims.... hmm, maybe I should claim a new room?
I'll be cheering you on as you do this! and if you need to downsize a bit..... I seem to be slightly low on blues and yellows....... ;-)
ummm...I seem to feel right at home! You my friend are just brave enought to let us SEE yours! Take heart tho...just tackle one job at a time. Slow and steady wins the race...hehehehehehe Guess I should take my own advise!
I, too, have had to move my sewing room. It was in the laundry room which was quite large, but laundry day(s) made me crazy when I had to move my project(s) out so everyone else could intrude! My suggestion would be to pull out the big items like batting, and then get some Space Bags. These are wonderful for storing very large bulky things. Get a few boxes. Start with one bag of fabric, fold it neatly and place into a box. (I love beer boxes because they have tops and are sturdy). Eventually, you can sort out each box by color and before long, you will have an organized room. Get some cheap shelving and put the boxes on them. Using height/upward space is most efficient. Organizing doesn't happen overnight but bit by bit it works. Good Luck!! (By fondling your fabric, you get your fabric fix almost the same as sewing gives you!)
I think I've lived in that room before! My tactic is always to start in a corner or clear one surface. My DH likes to empty the room and bring it back in to its proper place. The organizational shows on cable say to label containers for Keep, Donate, & Trash and begin filling those. The main thing is to just start somewhere. Here I am giving advice when I should be in my own room following my advice. :-)
What a brave woman!!! My recommendation would be to figure out what you want on one side of the room.... move everything to the other side (how much worse could it get, ggggg) and start putting things in place. I'm still moving things around in mine and have most of the stuff outside the room (I had the space). but a lot has moved into the new locations well. It's great when I get another section done.
Hang in there......work a bit at a time and it will get sorted in no time.
Thanks for sharing your room! It helps us all feel better... and hopefully it helps you to feel like part of the gang as well! The fifteen minute approach is awesome! All of the comments have been good! Another suggestion is to pick a place... that you can get cleared off and usable. Then, before your fifteen minute stint, make sure that place is in order. As you move out from there... you will find an organized sewing room emerging.
I tend to take a bag or box and go through it. If I can't make a decision on something, I start my "new" pile of disorganization. If you do that throughout, you will have a much smaller pile to go through after eliminating or organizing. There will be more emotional energy to give the second time around... and the task won't seem so daunting!
It's a shame I don't have the "stuff" to post pictures of "my room". It's not the sewing room... it's a three season porch that we've never used as such because it looks like your sewing room... except higher!
Regarding the fifteen minute approach. There are days I decide to have a "fifteen minute day". When my day looks horrendous and I don't know where to start... I just pick a place. Fifteen minutes later, I pick another place. By the end of the day, alot has gotten done... and my whole world looks a little better! We can do this!!!!! =]
You win! You're sewing area is much messier than my studio or even the den I use for cutting and sewing since the longarm takes up all the room in the bedroom I use as a studio. However, since we've just been here for 4 months my rooms should be neater. I get working and don't take time to clean up in between projects.
ha ha! now I feel better about mine. Best wishes, Sharon
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