All grown up....or so they think Son is in JROTC this year. He had to wear his uniform today for the first time for inspection.

Doesn't he look handsome? JROTC has been a big source of contention at our house. Hubby being a vet I thought he would be thrilled and supportive. That has not been the case. I am just trying to support my son in what he wants to do.
DD has not been a girly girl for a few years now. Jeans and T are the standard wear. Well that hasn't changed but now she wears contacts, makeup and fusses with her hair constantly. She is very independent and outspoken. Tough kid to parent but a great personality for making it in the world.
Cute kids! They do grow up so quickly, don't they? My youngest is 27 already. How did that happen? LOL
very handsome! what is it about a man uniform?
and your daughter sound sooooooo much like my 13 year old!
very handsome! what is it about a man uniform?
and your daughter sound sooooooo much like my 13 year old!
He certainly does look handsome - and very serious. Good for him - he looks proud of himself.
I read the post about your husband's health problems. I hope things go much better now and he can get all his issues resolved quickly. He is so young to suffer from such poor health.
Funny you should say your DH is not thrilled with ROTC...mine was active duty for 11 yrs and active reserves for 18. He concurs with your husband. Handsome kiddo! Our daughter is active duty AF. I always get a little teary-eyed when I see her in uniform!
Your son looks so cute in his uniform. It reminds me of my stepdaughter who was in ROTC all through high school and then went into the Air Force.
It certainly is fun to watch children grow up - trying to figure out what part is nature and what part is nurture. I personally like to take credit for all the good traits. It's also good that you are growing and learning as well - with the free motion quilting.
Your son looks like a grown-up man in that uniform! WOW!
Your daughter has such eyes! I love the upward slant. (Have you bought any full-length mirrors for the house yet? She's gonna want them.....) LOL
Very GOod lookin' kids. My youngest is 17. SOmetimes ya just wanna kill 'em, but they're still mine!
I still knew God knew better than to give me girls. He knew I could handle DIL's a lot better than teenage-girls!
What a cute couple of kids! They seem to have grown up so fast. I am a proud Uncle!
sounds like far too much stuff has been happening in your household latey, and not much time for sewing! I hope all will be Ok for your hubby very soon!
Good Looking family! They grow so quickly..enjoy all the stages! I blinked and my girls grew up and moved into their own homes! Oh yeah, and buy a big stick to keep all the suitors away! You'll need it!
Your son does look nice in his uniform.My oldest son started in JR rotc...and now is a Major in the Air Force. He went to University on an air force scholarship and got his master's on thier dime as well!So I believe in supporting them in things that they are interested in.My son initially only wanted to get out of gym class!We lived near Houston at the time!But ROTC was good to him.Had to search out your sewing room are an inspiration....Colleen in South Africa
Your son does look nice in his uniform.My oldest son started in JR rotc...and now is a Major in the Air Force. He went to University on an air force scholarship and got his master's on thier dime as well!So I believe in supporting them in things that they are interested in.My son initially only wanted to get out of gym class!We lived near Houston at the time!But ROTC was good to him.Had to search out your sewing room are an inspiration....Colleen in South Africa
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