Back to our regularly scheduled programming. I have really been working on my organization in my sewing room. If you recall my previous post my sewing had oozed out into the rest of the house. Now I have most of that semi-organized on a 5 tier bakers rack that my best friend bought me for my birthday. It is a lot better but I can still improve. So I pick away at things a little everytime I sew. I will post "after" pics soon. They will be more along my journey pics though....
Saturday a.m. I was thrilled when I went to Wal-mart and found some cabinets that I really wanted marked about 45% off. They are the big white cabinets with doors. About 30" wide 20" deep and 72" high. I bought two. I am now working hard to clear the spot where these will go. This will help get so much more stuff up and put away! Yeah! Dang, each cabinet weighs 130 lbs. I got ds out there to help me get them out of the truck and onto the patio. I was toying with the idea of setting them up in one area and loading them to get a space cleared, then moving them to their final place. NOT! Just gotta clean out. That is all there is to it.
You saw my RR row that I added. My next project was to practice FMQ on my Janome 6500. I had bought bolts of baby panels and muslin and thought they would be perfect for this type of practice. I started Saturday and am almost done with the first one. I will just say I suck less at FMQ now! LOL! I think it looks pretty good. I vowed to not unpick any of it but had to go back on that and pick out a thread nest that happened at the end of the bobbin. Not too bad. I am ready to move onto a "love" quilt that I inherited to finish. My confidence is high. I am getting a little bored with the baby panel but will persevere on the panel since the love quilt will take a lot of thread changes. I just have to relax and enjoy my journey.
Escape to Belize - Ziplining
1 hour ago
Congrats on the cabinet score! It makes such a difference when you have a PLACE to put things.
I'm looking forward to seeing your FMQ!
good on you swooze for getting the good buy on the cupboards, at least your house is big enough to put more cupboards into, ggg, not like mine!! I would love to try free motion quilting, let me know how you go, do you need a "flash" machine for that or will any one do?
How about sending some of your energy my way? Wow! You're getting SO much done! Great deal on the cabinets. Can't wait to see after pics!
aggggg cleaning - I HATE cleaning the sewing area. I want a room but alas these 2 teenagers have to live here a while longer- it's the law-lol.
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