You knoiw what I am referring to...those little bits you trim off your blocks that, if sewn together, would result in an HST. How small do you save? I just trimmed off some pieces that would yield a .75" finished (1.25" unfinished) HST. I guess you could sew an 1/8" seam and get a 1" finish. Anyone use/save these tiny treasures?
I used to throw these all in the trash but I think I will try sewing up various sizes to see what is the smallest I would go for saving and sewing. I will report back.
I save pathetically small amounts.. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
I normally throw them in the trash but a couple weeks ago I made a mug rug with them and the finished half square triangle blocks are 3/4" :)
Im with QuiltSwissy! I save wayyy to small of peices! I use them in crazy blocks.
I've collected these for years. And I've finally decided if it makes a half square triangle less than an inch I don't want it! All year I've been giving instructions on blocks you can use those cut off triangles with. I've made cardboard templates so that I can test the size of the triangle and then try it to a usable size. I started doing the blocks every Thursday but now I do it every other week. You can find my Triangle Thursday posts at
Come join me.
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