Judy L's UFO Challenge

Monday, February 05, 2007

Why Did My Peacock Quilt Become a UFO? I made this quilt because Donna Poster needed quilts to be models in her book. I wanted a quilt in a book. Shoot, who doesn't. I picked the colors and she approved them. Mind you that I was still fairly new to quilting. I had been using white thread for everything and this quilt was no different. Note the dark color of the quilt top in the picture. There are lots of setin points on this quilt and my white thread showed. Seams were pulling a little loose. I got the top done fairly easily but could not get it quilted in time. It is in her book but it is only basted. She never said anything about this. I am sure she was not pleased with me. Sorry Donna!

Before I started quilting it I spent time hand sewing some of the really bad set in points to try to improve them. Now I did start quilting this quilt. I was doing stitch in the ditch and it just killed me. When I went back and picked it out I was amazed at how much I had accomplished. I had to twist it this way and that and that was a lot of maneuvering. This time I am doing straight lines. I found two designs that would look good but preferred the one I settled on. It took a lot of hours to get done but I got it quilted.

Why did I stop? Wrong color thread, badly sewn set in points, really hard to quilt. When I decided to just finish it I even ran out of thread in the right color. You have got to be kidding me! I often wonder if this hobby is meant for me. Amazingly I found another small spool in the right color and completed the quilting.

I had planned to just stop with one row of quilting to go on the border. It was getting late. I had to go to bed since I had to go to work in the a.m. When I came to the planned stopping point I set my jaw and said "This is ridiculuous. Just finish!" So I did. Now to bind it and this baby exits UFOdom!


Judy said...

I love the colors in your peacock quilt! Sometimes putting a quilt together becomes a major chore in our lives but when it's done, there is such a feeling of relief and satisfaction. Good job!

Anne Ida said...

It sounds like you had a long ways to go, but isn't it wonderful when a quilt finaly comes together? And from what I can tell from your photos the result is beautiful!

Nicole & Phil said...

looking great!! Well done on biting the bullet and perservering!
I joned the ring, but the first one I did was wrong! SORRY!
I put in 2 http/ http...can you please delete that one.
any problems, please email me!

Lisa said...

Man, knowing when to say 'UNCLE!' is half the battle. Good for you! It looks good in the photos, you can't see any of the white thread.

BTW, thanks for visiting my blog today. I'm leaning towards purple for the binding, too.


Wendy said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. The monthly pincushion comes from Buggy Barn Quilt Shop. They are all from different designers check out the web site.

Your quilt will be beautiful, sometimes we need to take that step back to see what needs to be done.