I have faithfully been working on my 20 minute challenge. I have 3 columns plus part of the fourth. Need to cut 8 more centers which will happen Friday. This will give me 5 columns in total.

I will do some of the fill in work on the edges and bottom until then. Maybe!
I have been quilting on my OMG. I want to finish it before Friday so I can get it trimmed on the big tables at church.

It is doable!
How are your sewing plans going this week?
You are making great headway on your projects! I am still waiting for the wedding ring book to come from the library so that quilt is on hold. Otherwise, it has been a rough week sitting in the heat all day so I haven't felt like sewing much. I did get one equipment cover sewn together this week and I am going to try and get another one done this evening while I watch the TDF.
I have wanted to make a wedding ring quilt but just haven't got the gumpsion.....great going.
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