I finished my second item from my 3Q FAL list.
This tumbler quilt was cut out 2 or 3 years ago on my GO cutter. I used the 3.5” die. It includes scraps from some items I sewed when I was in my teens back in the 70’s, samples that my mother had in her stash and supplemented with additional scraps from my stash. That GO cutter is amazing!
I just leant my cutter to a friend along with this same die. I cautioned her that she needed to keep track of how many she had cut because before she knew it she’d have enough cut for 5 quilts! She has since texted me and confirmed it is addicting. Sewing them together is a breeze too! I’m anxious to cut another one.

Are you participating in the finish along? Stay tuned for more.
1 comment:
Your quilt turned out wonderful! What size did your tumble quilt turn out? I love tumble quilts! I made one for the millennium. I started it in 2000 and got it done about 10 years later! I rotary cut mine - I had a plexi template. I used 2000 different fabrics with fabrics that were from every decade of the 20 century. I ended up cutting down the rows or the quilt would have been longer than the 10' it ended up! LOL!!! I can see how the Go! cutter would make quick work of cutting the pieces. I have gobs of scraps I need to use up and I forgot about the tumble block. I will have to find my template and get to cutting.
I figure out what I am going to do about the double wedding ring quilt. The rings are 16 1/2" across - yes, an odd size. I am going to borrow a book from the library and enlarge or reduce the size of the pattern to make a 16 1/2 block on the copier I have access to. Yes, I will have to go old school and make cardboard templates. LOL!!!
I think I have my comments fixed. I put in other people's emails that I wanted to show up in my comments instead of putting my email address. Wanda got me straightened out so we will see if it works now. Thanks for your help of getting me to the place where I needed to fix it. It takes me awhile to get technology straighten out.
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