UGH! OK I am a bit stressed and snarky here. Surgery is over. They rush rush rushed to get us back in the pre-OP then the inevitable wait. I had some concerns about some things and the anesthesiologist was very attentive. She ordered new labs and blood products which I strongly felt he needed. Let me just say that 2 of the samples were bad and they ended up sticking him 4 times. Poor guy.
They took him back an hour late. I am sure this messed up some of the things I am about to gripe about. They have this great board that tracks progress of when patient goes in OR, surgery starts, stops and then patient goes to recovery. They also give you a pager that the doctor buzzes about 10 minutes before he comes out to talk to you. The board was never updated. I found out he was in recovery an hour after he got back there. No call or visit from the doc. I was in the waiting room the entire time. Then about 3 hours after he had been in recovery I call back to see what is going on. Some nice chipper lady informs me they are getting ready to take him to his room. I tell her that is great and good thing I had called as I would never have been told. When I asked her who would have informed me she had no answer. I asked her when the doc would talk to me. She said she would page him and then "if" he called her back she would give him my cell number. I received no call.
I go up to his room and wait. He gets up there pretty quickly. By 7 his IV had somehow been pulled out of his hand. This is how they are administering his pain meds. It took an hour for them to get everything re-inserted and hooked back up. If I didn't have the kids at home I think I would have spent the night. I have very low confidence in the staffs competency right now.
To add to all this loveliness I get a call from hubby this morning asking me to bring his insulin. I was agahast. I heard him talking to someone and I asked if that was the nurse, which it was. I asked to speak to her to find out what is going on. She is unsure of his medicine and I explain what it is. She seems to think I don't need to bring his now. Sigh...
So I am taking another day from work and hope this doesn't jeopardize things for me. I am really stressed but just have to do what is best. When I found out anything I will let you all know.
Sorry for the long rant!
4 hours ago
You are absolutely right - there is no excuse for this type of lack of professionalism, not to mention humanity. They KNOW you are waiting for information. And to not have things clear with medications, like insulin, is not OK. I'd be heading to the hospital administration, myself - but then perhaps I'm a hot head. I sure would complain, tho.
Give him a big hug from the blog world.
Swooze, I am still prayer for your family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I would really like to know what hospital he is in...thinking of you.
Speaking as a medical administrator myself, you need to notify the hospital, today. There's no excuse for any of that inattentiveness, (especially the insulin!) and your words today could ensure it doesn't happen to anyone else. In addition to face-to-face, written is very powerful, with cc's to the doctor, Med Staff office and Director of Nursing. Often it's easier to be more specific and detailed in writing than in person, with the added benefit that there will be no mistaking your message.
I'm sorry you had to go thru that -- ((hugs)) You need some really excellent chocolate too!
Bless your heart. Neither of you need this and you certainly dont deserve this. I am packaging cyber support for you both. *karendianne.
Oh wow, you are already stressed with this, and that sort of thing just makes it much worse. Sending prayers your way. I hope things smooth out.
Sometimes these people just don't think and it drives me batty. These are peoples lives they are dealing with. Definitely talk to the administrator. WHen my mom was in the hospital I was afraid of what they were going to do when she was alone. She ended up with not one but 2 hormone patches. She's Diabetic and no matter how many times we circled that on the menu they gave no care to the foods that were ordered, would just bring a standard meal. When my Grandma was in for her heart attacks we spent the night. I spent two nights on that cot & good thing because they took her for a procedure 3 hours early and I was the only one there...had no one been there we would have never known.
Good luck to you. I hope you get to talk to admin. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the rest of his stay.
UGH! How awful that they didn't communicate with you!!!!
I would write a letter. That is terrible. I hope things are better from here on out.
thinking of you swooze
I have had some bad experiences in the past with medication and poor care. When a loved one is in the hospital it is always better to have a loved one close by to keep an eye on things whenever possible. My prayers are with you.
I agree, if you can't get in contact with the Director of Nursing or Administration, I would also recommend asking for Quality or Risk Management. They often handle this type of situation. Not knowing his medications, is absolutely unacceptable in any healthcare facility.
Also, you have Federal FMLA rights to time off with your husband, so your job should not be at risk, unless your have already used 12 weeks in the last year. Ask your HR department for the paperwork, if you feel you need it. You may also have additional LOA provisions provided at the state level.
You are in my thoughts and prayers, as I know this road all to well and how tough it can be not only for him, but for you!
Listen to these people , they know what they are talking about. It sounds like the hospital is screwing up big time in a way neither of you can afford. (Hugs)!
Wow - what a couple of days you have had. I hope things go better from here on out and that his healing is quick and complete.
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